
Consolidating Information and Analytical Department of Analysis of the Labour Market and Labour Migration

I. General Provisions

  1. The Consolidating Information and Analytical Department of Analysis of the Labour Market and Labour Migration (hereinafter - the Department) is a structural unit of the Central Office of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (hereinafter - the Ministry) of Uzbekistan.

The activities of the Department are carried out in close cooperation with all departments, divisions, sectors of the Central Office and subordinate organizations of the Ministry.

     1.2. Management and subordination of the Department.

     1.2.1. The Department is headed by the Head appointed and dismissed by order of the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

     1.2.2. The Department reports directly to the Minister and his/her First Deputy.

     1.3. The composition of the Department.

     1.3.1. The structure and staff size of the administration was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Improve the Structure of Labour Bodies and Strengthening the System of Protection of Labour Rights and Labour Protection of Citizens” of organizing activities of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Uzbekistan ”of 20.08.2018. No. PP-3913.

     1.3.2. The staff of the Department consists of 4 employees:

     - Head (Annex 1);

     - Chief Specialist (Annex 2);

     - Junior Specialist (Annex 3)

     - 1st Category Demographer (Annex 4).

   1.3.3. The distribution of duties among the employees of the Department is carried out by the Head of the Department, in accordance with the developed job descriptions.

     1.3.4. Employees of the Department are hired and transferred to positions by order of the Minister on the proposal of the Head of the Department.

     1.4. Regulatory legal framework of management activities.

     1.4.1. Management in its activities is guided by:

     - The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Codes: Labour Code of Uzbekistan, Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Code of Administrative Responsibility.

     - Laws: Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Employment”, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons”, “On Guarantees of Freedom of Entrepreneurial Activity”, “On Citizens' Self-Government”, “On Family Business”, “On Dekhkan Farming”, “On Administrative Procedures " and others.

     - Decrees and Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Regulations on the Ministry, orders and other administrative acts of the Ministry, as well as these Regulations.

II. Objectives, tasks and functions of the Department

 2.1. The main objectives of the Department’s activities are as follows:

     - organization of effective work of the Department, coordination of information and analytical activities of departments, divisions and sectors of the Central Office of the Ministry in labour market and migration;

     - collection, compilation and analysis of information on labour market trends, level and structure of employment, creation of new jobs and labour migration for the leadership of the Ministry;

     - organization of collection and accumulation of information in traditional and electronic form for the analysis of the main areas of activity of the Ministry, its systematization;

     - coordination of formation of information submitted by the Ministry to higher organizations in the framework of statistical and other reporting.

     - preparation of the necessary information and analytical materials on issues of the labour market and labour migration on behalf of the Minister;

2.2. The main tasks of the Department are as follows:

     - organization of single information and analytical support for activities of the Ministry and control over timely provision of information by departments, divisions and sectors of the Central Office of the Ministry;

     - conducting deep and comprehensive analysis of trends and structural changes in the field of employment and labour relations, the actual state of the labour market in the country and labour migration;

     - analysis of level and structure of unemployment and informal employment, including by examining reports from employment surveys and surveys among the population and employers;

     - participation in development of program for creating new jobs, rising employment aimed at introducing progressive forms of employment, taking into account demographic factors and economic development prospects, forming social protection programs, raising living standard and well-being of population;

     - within the competence, ensuring control over compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of labour and employment of the population.

 2.3. The main functions of the Department are as follows:

     - participation in preparation of proposals for improving the mechanism of state regulation of the labour market and labour migration;

     - participation in monitoring the state of the labour market in order to ensure the most complete and objective assessment of the level and structure of employment of the population;

     - preparation, within the competence of the Department, of proposals and materials in regional programs providing for measures to promote employment of the population;

     - evaluation of the results of activity and calculation of the effectiveness of the work of the departments, divisions and sectors of the central office of the Ministry;

     - maintenance of current documentation and preparation of documents for archival storage;

     - organization of work to improve the skills of the Department in the field of information and analytical work.

     - consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities, as well as takes the necessary actions to eliminate violations of the law on matters within the competence of the Department.    

III. Rights and duties of the Department

3.1. The department has the right to:

     - request and receive from structural divisions of the Central Office and other organizations within the structure of the department, materials and information necessary for the analysis and preparation of issues considered in the Ministry in accordance with the established procedure;

     - create expert groups for conducting information and analytical studies with involvement of employees of central economic bodies, research centres and institutes, local and foreign experts;

     - participate in international conferences, congresses, symposia, seminars and meetings, international projects in field of information and analytical research on the issues within the competence of the Ministry;

     - attract specialists from departments, divisions, sectors of the central office and subordinate organizations of the Ministry for the preparation of information and analytical;

     - hold meetings with participation of heads and senior officials of departments, divisions and sectors of the Central Office and subordinate organizations of the Ministry;

     - represent, in prescribed manner, on behalf of the Ministry on issues related to competence of Department, in relations with government agencies, other enterprises, organizations, institutions, including trade unions;

     - fulfil requirements of the Consolidation Department for submission of necessary materials, information, as well as the finalization of documents are subject to execution within the time limits established by it, unless other deadlines are set in the instructions of the Ministry’s Management:

     - submit for consideration by the Minister proposals on adoption of appropriate disciplinary measures against all employees (regardless of their position) of departments, departments and sectors of the Central Office and subordinate organizations of the Ministry for non-submission, late submission, incomplete submission and inaccurate submission of the requested information.

     3.2. Duties of the Department are to:

     - comply with labour laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labour law norms, local regulatory acts, terms of collective agreement, agreements and labour contracts.

     - timely carry out orders and orders of the Minister.

     - comply with the rules of internal labour regulations, labour and production discipline, requirements for labour protection and labour safety, to comply with established labour standards.

     - take care of the property of the employer and other employees.

     - carry out its activities in strict accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

IV. Responsibility

Responsibility for the Department’s proper and timely performance of functions in these Regulations.

      The Head of the Department is personally responsible for:

      - organization of the Department’s tasks and functions;

      - organization of operational and quality preparation and execution of documents, records management in the Department in accordance with the applicable rules and instructions;

      - observance by employees of the Department of labour and production discipline.

      - selection, placement and activities of the Department staff.

      Responsibilities of the Department staff are determined by job descriptions.

      The Department is not responsible for accuracy of any types of information provided, by heads, employees of departments, divisions, sectors of the central office and subordinate organizations of the Ministry.

      Personal responsibility for accuracy of information is borne by head of department, unit, sector of the Central Office and heads of subordinate organizations of the Ministry who provided information.     

V. Final Provisions

5.1. This provision was drafted in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 31, 2014 No. 1066.

       5.2. The Minister has the right to make proposals for amending these provisions.

       5.3. The term in effect of this provision is the date of approval of the provision.

       5.4. The term of this provision is 5 years.