
"Monocenter to provide services to the unemployed population "Ishga marhamat" LLC

LLC "Monocenter for providing services to the unoccupied population "Ishga Marhamat"
1. General provisions

In accordance with paragraph 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 20, 2018, PC-No. 3913 "on measures to improve the structure of labor bodies and strengthen the system of protection of labor rights and labor protection of citizens", a limited liability company "Monocenter for providing services to the unemployed population — "Ishga marҳamat", which is part of the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was organized as an experiment.
The limited liability company "Monocenter for providing services to the unemployed population — "Ishga marҳamat "(hereinafter-Monocenter), which is part of the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is considered an organization for providing employment to the unemployed population of all regions of the Republic, organizing professional training courses in various areas, social support for the unemployed population, as well as assistance in organized labor migration and pre-adaptation of citizens who go to temporary work abroad.
Monocenter operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On limited and additional liability” and other laws relating to the activities of Monocentre, resolutions of chambers of Oliy Majlis, decrees, resolutions, orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as orders, instructions, orders, and the Statute of the Ministry of employment and labour relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Monocenter, which is part of the structural system of the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, having the status of a legal entity, is an independent structure and has its own balance, Bank account, seal with the name of the organization, as well as other signs (logo) and details necessary for its activities.
The Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered the founder of the Monocenter. The Ministry distributes buildings and material goods of the Monocenter, its financial income received from the provision of paid services, net profit, as well as funds received from sponsors, in accordance with the established procedure.
The full name of Monocentre:
In Uzbek — Uzbekiston Respublikasi Gangs blagen ariga khizmat crates Monomarks — “ISHGA MARHAMAT” Machalite cheklangan jamiati;

Abbreviated name-Monomarkaz — "ISHGA MARHAMAT" MCHJ;

In Russian — limited liability company “Monocenter for providing services to the unoccupied population " ISHGA MARHAMAT”;

Abbreviated name-LLC Monocenter "ISHGA MARHAMAT".

The legal address of the Monocenter is 331 Parkent street, Tashkent, 100207, Republic of Uzbekistan.
Monocenter has the right to establish subsidiaries, branches, representative offices, branches and other separate divisions on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

II. The main tasks and activities of the Monocenter.

The main tasks of the Monocenter are to organize work to ensure employment of the unemployed population in all regions of the Republic, organize professional training courses in various areas, social support for the unemployed population, as well as assistance in organized labor migration and pre-adaptation of citizens who leave for temporary work abroad;
The main activities of the Monocenter are the following:
- taking into account the requirements of those in need of employment and the unemployed population on issues of their social protection and support, together with the labor authorities, carries out activities to ensure their employment;

- provides consulting services on employment and employment issues;

- registers unemployed persons as unemployed;

- directs the unemployed to available vacancies and vocational training courses through employment centers;

- assigns unemployment benefits;

- organization at the Monocenter of at least three Bank offices that provide individuals with all types of banking services;

- in order to ensure employment in accordance with the existing Unified database of the labor system, sends to the employment blocks for vacant jobs;

- provides employment services for socially vulnerable segments of the population in quota-based jobs;

- provides employment services for seasonal and temporary jobs available in the General database;

- on the basis of requests from employers, provides services to attract to public works;

- organizes legal advice on complaints related to violations of labor rights;

- trains the unoccupied population in professions and provides them with professional retraining;

- teaches foreign languages;

- implements innovative training programs based on international experience;

- conducts testing based on the results of training courses;

- assesses the professional qualifications of the applicants;

- issues certificates based on the results of training courses;

- provides psychological assistance to the unemployed;

- provides psychological assistance to labor migrants who go abroad;

- organizes special adaptation courses to familiarize with the legislation, cultural and language environment in the country of destination for departing migrant workers;

- together with the Agency for external migration and its offices, organizes preparatory work for the preliminary adaptation of citizens who go abroad for temporary work;

- on the basis of agreements with enterprises and organizations operating in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, regardless of their form of ownership, organizes training of qualified specialists;

- according to the requirements and applications of foreign enterprises and organizations, organizes preparatory work for the preliminary adaptation of citizens in need of employment;

- provides practical assistance in the field of protection of labor relations and the rights of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan sent for temporary work abroad;

- develops and submits recommendations to the relevant departments on improving the state policy on sending citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan to temporary work abroad and protecting their labor relations and rights;

- interacts with international and foreign organizations, as well as the Agency for external migration under the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and private employment agencies on the training of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan sent abroad for temporary work in the relevant specialties, their retraining and advanced training;

- interacts on issues of labor, employment and social protection of the population, as well as labor relations with international organizations, as well as educational institutions of foreign countries;

- organizes special courses on the basics of entrepreneurship;

- provides assistance to labor migrants who have returned to Uzbekistan in their employment, as well as involvement in business activities;

- organizes an exhibition platform for mini-technologies produced abroad and in Uzbekistan;

- coordinates the work of the operations processing centers (back office), the Monocenter of the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its other divisions to analyze citizens ' requests and statistics;

III. Monocenter Rights

Monocenter in order to implement its tasks and activities by mutual agreement with the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan has the following rights:
- appeals to the relevant ministries, departments and other organizations to obtain statistical data, as well as necessary materials;

- together with the Agency for external labor migration and its territorial divisions of the Ministry sends the unoccupied population to work in foreign countries;

- analyzes the processes in the field of labor migration, including internal migration, and provides scientific evidence for their causes, through research;

- in accordance with the requirements of enterprises and organizations of foreign countries, in order to train specialists at the appropriate level, their retraining and advanced training, draw up contracts for their provision with educational, scientific, practical and technical manuals;

- acquires in the prescribed manner the necessary equipment and supplies at the expense of the Agency for external labor migration Fund to support and protect the rights and interests of citizens working abroad under the Ministry of employment and labour relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Fund of assistance of employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan and own funds;

- spends the saved funds, as well as funds received from paid services on the basis of contracts, on improving the material and technical base, purchasing textbooks and other literature, publications, as well as on encouraging employees;

- publishes training programs, manuals, booklets and documents related to and revealing the activities of the Monocenter;

- carries out publishing activities in accordance with the established procedure, publishes periodical, scientific and theoretical, electronic and printed publications concerning innovations in labor relations and current issues, including;

- involves leading specialists of the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as leading and experienced practitioners of the Republic and foreign countries in training and methodological work on a part-time basis or on the basis of employment contracts;

- determines in accordance with the established procedure the terms and curricula of training courses for the relevant specialties of the unemployed population, as well as citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan sent for temporary work abroad, their retraining and advanced training;

- generates funds for the modernization of its activities and the introduction of new technologies, social development and material incentives;

- organizes and participates in international conferences, symposiums, seminars and forums.

Monocenter in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to improve its activities, its further development, support those in need of employment, the unemployed population may have other rights.

IV. Structure of the Monocenter and its management bodies

The Monocenter is managed by the General Director.
The General Director of the Monocenter has two deputies.

The General Director of the Monocenter is appointed and dismissed by the Minister of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure.
The Deputy General Directors of the Monocenter are appointed and dismissed by the General Director in agreement with the Ministry of employment and labor relations.
The General Director of the Monocenter issues orders and controls their execution within the scope of his / her powers in accordance with legal acts.
The General Director, in accordance with legal acts and this decree:

- operates on behalf of the Monocenter, protects the rights of the society;

- distributes responsibilities between Deputy Directors and departments;

— approves and makes changes in staffing and system security for the costs of Monocentre, budget, special expenses, including the cost of providing different services to students, within the funds allocated by the Agency for external labor migration, a Fund to support and protect the rights and interests of citizens working abroad under the Ministry of employment and labor relations, State employment Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and payroll;

- hiring and firing employees;

- distributes funds of the salary and bonus system for Monocenter employees;

- manages the property and funds of the Monocenter;

- organizes work on establishing contacts with foreign enterprises and organizations-customers and cooperation with them;

- signs contracts, issues power of attorney, opens settlement accounts of the Monocenter in banking institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- rewards employees of the Monocenter and, if necessary, applies disciplinary measures against them;

- defines internal regulations based on the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- removes from the list of trainees persons involved in training, retraining and advanced training, if they violate the rules of internal regulations;

— in accordance with current legislation and labor agreements (contracts) drawn up in accordance with internal regulations of the company individually with each employee, regulates industrial and labor relations in the company, including issues of employment and dismissal, the procedure for work and rest, remuneration, payment of guarantees and compensation;

- participates in scientific councils, conferences, symposiums, seminars and forums on behalf of the Monocenter;

- performs other duties in accordance with legislation.

Deputy General Director of the Monocenter for financial issues:
— makes proposals for developing and changing staffing and system security for the costs of Monocentre, estimates in respect of special expenses, including the cost of providing different services to students, within the funds allocated by the Agency for external labor migration, a Fund to support and protect the rights and interests of citizens working abroad, under the Ministry of employment and labor relations, State employment Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and payroll.

- manages the activities of accounting and business Department employees;

- organizes the Fund for modernization and new technologies, funds for social development and currency payments in accordance with the established procedure;

- makes proposals to establish a monthly surcharge of up to one hundred percent of the tariff rate at the expense of a special Fund for material incentives to highly qualified specialists and other employees.

Deputy General Director of the Monocenter for educational and methodological work:
- manages the activities of the departments of training, retraining and advanced training and technology;

- directly manages the organization of the educational process;

- prepares the distribution of listeners ' location;

— develops training plans;

— distributes duties between employees of the departments under control and supervises their work;

- prepares reports on educational, methodological and scientific work of the Monocenter;

— performs other duties as assigned by the Director.

Departments and other constituent structures of the Monocenter operate on the basis of regulations approved by the Director General.
19. Funding Monocentre is carried out in accordance with legislation right through the following sources:

— the funds allocated by the Agency for external labor migration, a Fund to support and protect the rights and interests of citizens working abroad under the Ministry of employment and labor relations, State employment Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- funds received for professional training services based on contracts drawn up with foreign state-owned enterprises and organizations;

- funds for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists allocated on the basis of contracts by all types of enterprises and organizations operating in the Republic;

- funds received for publishing and commercial activities carried out within the framework of the law;

- charitable donations, sources not prohibited by law, as well as sponsorship funds of legal entities and individuals;

- funds for leasing buildings, structures and other property located on the territory in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation and in agreement with the Ministry of employment and labor relations;

— other sources that are not prohibited by legislation.

20. Grants and foreign currency contributions received from foreign and local sponsors in order to improve and develop the activities of the Monocenter.

V. organization of the educational process

21. Training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed persons in need of employment in the Monocenter is carried out on the basis of educational programs and plans, taking into account the modern requirements of socio-political, socio-economic life of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development and renewal of public life, world culture, traditions and customs.

Monocenter training, retraining and advanced training plans are developed based on the requirements of enterprises and organizations that are customers, including foreign countries, state standards and standard training programs. Modern forms and methods of teaching, advanced information and communication technologies and innovative technologies are used in the educational process.
In the Monocenter, students ' professional development is carried out on a full-time basis.
In the Monocenter, according to the requirements of enterprises and organizations-customers, groups in the areas of specialty and professions are trained in groups, the time and terms of their studies are set in accordance with the approved distribution plan.
In the Monocenter, courses of professional training, retraining and advanced training of students can last from one to six months.
The terms of training of trainees on a contract-paid basis are determined in accordance with the contract drawn up between the customer enterprise and the Monocenter.

The monocenter, in coordination with the Ministry of employment and labor relations, the relevant ministries and departments, provides employment for students who have successfully completed educational programs for training, retraining and advanced training, as well as fully met the requirements of educational courses.
The monocenter provides accommodation and food for people who are involved in training, retraining and advanced training courses from other regions of the Republic.
The costs per student who is involved in the Monocenter for training, retraining and advanced training on the basis of contracts with foreign and local enterprises and organizations are determined on the basis of calculation and are covered by transferring funds to The monocenter's current account.
On the basis of the agreement, paid services are organized to improve the skills and knowledge of specialists in the official areas of all enterprises, regardless of the legal form, as well as enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.

VI. International relations Monocentre

The monocenter, in coordination with the Ministry of employment and labor relations in the field of vocational training of the unemployed population, carries out international cooperation, draws up contracts with foreign partners, organizes the exchange of scientific information with relevant international organizations in accordance with the established procedure on the basis of mutual interests, and establishes international relations in accordance with legislation.
Monocenter can organize a certain part of the educational process for students and train employees to improve their experience in leading foreign research and training centers, firms and international organizations. At the same time, it can organize professional development and practical training of its employees in matters of labor relations and labor protection in an International training center or other international educational institutions and organizations.

Monocenter carries out activities to promote employment in foreign enterprises and organizations of persons in need of work, the unemployed in coordination with the Ministry of employment and labor relations on the basis of international agreements, agreements concluded between state bodies.
VII. Final provisions

This Charter comes into force from the date of registration in accordance with the procedure defined in the acts of legislation.
Issues that are not reflected in this Charter are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Re-organization of the Monocenter and its liquidation is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in the acts of legislation.
Changes and additions to this Charter are made in agreement with the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and it is re-registered in accordance with the procedure established in the acts of legislation.