I. General Provisions
- The Department of International Cooperation and Interaction with the ILO of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Department, the Ministry) is a structural unit of the Ministry and ensures the activities of the Ministry on matters within its competence.
- The activities of the Department are supervised by the First Deputy Minister of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Regulations on the Ministry, orders of the Ministry, as well as these Regulations.
- The following issues are under the jurisdiction of the Department:
- coordination and ensuring conclusion of contracts with interested government agencies and organizations, foreign partners in the field of international cooperation on issues within the competence of the Ministry;
- organization and implementation of the development strategy of the international activities of the Ministry;
- organization of work on international cooperation in the established field of activity.
- The Department carries out its activities in cooperation with the structural divisions of the Ministry, subordinate organizations of the Ministry, Ministries and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republican executive authorities, local governments, public associations and other organizations.
II. Tasks and functions - The main tasks of the Department are:
- participation in development of proposals in field of international cooperation, development and improvement of mechanisms for effective interaction with international organizations and foreign countries in the field of labour and employment;
- in accordance with the established procedure, interacts and represents the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the International Labour Organization and other international organizations on labour and employment issues;
- organizes monitoring of implementation of the provisions ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan of the conventions of the ILO, other international treaties in the field of labour and employment,
- in the prescribed manner prepares and sends the relevant reports and reports;
- jointly with interested ministries, state committees and departments, organizes the work of the mission of international organizations on the observance of labour rights;
- makes proposals on conclusion of international agreements in field of employment and labour relations;
- participates in national tripartite social dialogue between the Government of Uzbekistan, employers' and workers' organizations, and in tripartite consultations to promote application of international labour standards;
- cooperates with relevant structures of foreign states and international organizations on issues that are within the competence of the Ministry.
III. Organizational activities of the Department
7. The Department is headed by a Head appointed and dismissed by order of the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
8. Head of Department:
- carries out direct management of the Department and is personally responsible for the implementation of tasks and functions assigned to the Department, as well as the state of executive discipline;
- submits proposals to the Minister and his/her deputies on matters within the purview of the Department;
- submits for approval to the Minister of Regulation of the Department;
- submit for consideration to the Minister proposals on the structure and staff size of the Directorate, official routine, administrative and official regulations;
- participates in meetings with the Minister and his/her deputies, held on issues within the competence of the Department;
- participates on behalf of the Minister in the work of interdepartmental working groups, meetings and other events on issues falling within the competence of the Department;
- on behalf of the Minister participates in meetings of the collegial bodies in which the Ministry is present;
- directs, by decision of the Minister, the employees of the Department to participate in interdepartmental working groups, meetings and other events on issues falling within the competence of the Department;
- endorses draft orders of the Ministry, makes an entry on the draft order on the need to send it to the state registration to the Ministry of Justice if, in accordance with the legislation, the specified act of the Ministry is subject to state registration or examination by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- requests references and other documents necessary for the performance of their duties from organizations under the Ministry, republican organizations, state budget funds and other subordinate organizations;
- clears draft letters;
- distributes tasks among employees of the Department, controls execution, delegates part of powers to deputy;
- submits proposals to the Minister for appointment and dismissal, leave schedules, advanced training, rewarding employees of the Department, establishing allowances for certain categories of employees of the Department, imposing penalties on the employees of the Department;
- submits a motivated feedback on the performance by an employee of the Department of his or her duties during the attestation period with the attachment of the necessary documents in the case of attestation;
- demands from subordinates to explain in writing, incl. to address the issue of disciplinary action;
- participates in professional training, retraining, advanced training and internships of employees;
- provides instructions to employees of the Department;
- performs other functions in accordance with the decisions of the Minister.
- The Head of Department has a deputy appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9.1. The Deputy Head of the Department ensures the organization of work on the performance of the functions of the Department in accordance with the approved head of the Department of the distribution of duties between him and the staff of the Department and official regulations.
9.2. The Deputy Head of the Department signs documents (letters and official notes) within his competence on behalf of the Head of the Department.
9.3. In the case of temporary absence of the Head of the Department, his/her deputy shall fulfill his duties as decided by the Minister.
- The staff list of management is approved by the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations.