An additional agreement on the accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the RALI CIS and Mongolia was signed
From 09.12.2019 to 11.12.2019, Moscow hosted the Main Conference of the Regional alliance of labor inspections of CIS and Mongolia, where the Uzbek delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. Yakubov participated. The conference discussed the latest developments and practices in the national systems of state labor inspections of the Alliance member countries.
During the visit, Deputy Minister of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. Yakubov met with the head of the Federal service for labor and employment M. Ivankov and Deputy head of the Federal service for labor and employment, Vice-President of the International association of labor inspection (IALI) I. Shklovets.
The issues of further strengthening of cooperation between the labor inspections of the two countries both in the format of bilateral cooperation and within the framework of multilateral platforms were discussed.
Following the meeting, the sides agreed to organize training to improve the skills of labour inspectors of the Ministry of employment and labor relations in the Federal service for labour and employment of the Russian Federation to exchange experience and knowledge on the management system of labor protection at the enterprises of nuclear and oil-refining industries, active measures to promote employment and decent working conditions, and mechanisms for timely response to abuse of labour migrants and explore existing channels and feedback mechanisms.
During the meeting was held the conference of Regional alliance of labour inspections, where N. Yakubov made a report on socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan, measures taken by the Government to eradicate child labour, the prevention and suppression of cases of forced labour, decent working conditions and the introduction of modern methods of material stimulation of voluntary work, as well as interaction with civil society.
In order to strengthen the role and activities of the RALI, the Uzbek side proposed to consider the possibility of improving the professional qualities and competencies of labor inspectors of the CIS and Mongolia and to develop a system for evaluating the effectiveness of labor inspectors within the RALI of the CIS and Mongolia in accordance with international standards.
The participants of the Conference also discussed the proposal of the Uzbek side to conduct mutual internships of the countries participating in the RALI CIS and Mongolia and to create a mechanism for exchanging information on timely response to violations of the rights of migrant workers.
During the summing up of the Main Conference of the Regional alliance of labor inspections, the chairmanship of the RALI CIS and Mongolia was transferred to the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was noted that the next event will be held in April 2020 in Nur Sultan.