Online training seminars are held on the prevention of forced labor and on compliance with labor laws on recruitment


In order to raise awareness of farmers and the cotton clusters about forced labor, in accordance with the Roadmap approved on June 17, 2020 online training seminars on the prevention of forced labor and on compliance with labor laws on recruitment were held in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Representatives of the International Labor Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations and local government authorities provided detailed and clear information on the prevention of forced labor and the procedure for hiring seasonal workers during the cotton harvest for the representatives of the Confederation of Employers of Uzbekistan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Federation of Trade Unions, civil society activists, farm managers and cotton cluster employers.

Participants exchanged views on the prevention of forced labor in strict compliance with the requirements of quarantine measures during online training seminars. Furthermore, flyers and guidelines revealing the basic types and concepts of forced labor with measures to prevent forced labor cases were distributed among participants.

Representatives of the Criminal court, the Prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Justice also gave comprehensive answers to the questions about measures of responsibility for forced and child labor.

In total, more than 2,100 people took part in events throughout the country. Intended audience comprised 120 regional representatives of the cotton clusters, 528 - representatives of farms, 318 – representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate, 71 activists of civil society, 104 – representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions, 77 representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, 153 – judicial authority, 242 – mahalla committees and others.

This year, in collaboration with the International Labor Organization, more than 800 banners were produced and placed in visible places throughout the country. In all regions of Uzbekistan 300 thousand flyers are being distributed to citizens, more than 20 thousand specially prepared guidelines on preventing forced labor are distributed to employers and mahalla committees. 
