The main tasks of the Department are:
- participation in development of proposals in field of international cooperation, development and improvement of mechanisms for effective interaction with international organizations and foreign countries in the field of labour and employment;
- in accordance with the established procedure, interacts and represents the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the International Labour Organization and other international organizations on labour and employment issues;
- organizes monitoring of implementation of the provisions ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan of the conventions of the ILO, other international treaties in the field of labour and employment,
- in the prescribed manner prepares and sends the relevant reports and reports;
- jointly with interested ministries, state committees and departments, organizes the work of the mission of international organizations on the observance of labour rights;
- makes proposals on conclusion of international agreements in field of employment and labour relations;
- participates in national tripartite social dialogue between the Government of Uzbekistan, employers' and workers' organizations, and in tripartite consultations to promote application of international labour standards;
- cooperates with relevant structures of foreign states and international organizations on issues that are within the competence of the Ministry.