Йигирув ишлаб чиқариш оператори

Field of professional activity Name of the professional standard developed by organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Type of professional activity Letter to the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (number, date of the incoming letter) Registration number of the professional standard Responsible organization Date of entry into force of the professional standard (Order of the Minister of employment and labor relations) Change to the professional standart Date of entry into force of the professional standard (Changes to the order of the Minister of employment and labor relations)
Number, date of the incoming letter Registration number of changed standarts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Head2 Легкая и текстильная промышленность Head3Йигирув ишлаб чиқариш оператори Head4Выполнение прядильных, ткаческих и мотальных работ в текстильном и трикотажном производстве Head5С0-06-34 от 13.05.2020 Head6С02.112.0668/Б-20 Head7Ассоциация «Узтукимачиликсаноат» Head8№ 112-ИЧ от 19.06.2020 Head9 Head10 Head11

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