Tripartite social dialogue: for the decision on the basis of universal participation
Fifty representatives from all 10 countries of the sub-region gathered in Moscow on 11-13 December to exchange experiences in conducting a three-way social dialogue that promotes inclusive decision-making.
The tripartite social dialogue is the cornerstone of the ILO's work. Where governments involve employers and employees in decision-making on issues of concern to them, decisions are made with greater responsibility and are more thoughtful and democratic. At a workshop in Moscow, ILO tripartite participants from Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan shared their experience in conducting a trilateral social dialogue at the national level.
In addition to sharing experiences and ideas the participants had the opportunity to participate in a meeting of a working group of the Russian trilateral Commission for regulating social-labour relations.
The workshop was conducted by Leo Sibbel, chief specialist in international labour standards and labour law of the Decent work technical support group and the ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The meeting was organized jointly with the division for tripartism and social dialogue at the ILO headquarters in Geneva, as well as the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation.