Representatives of the International coalition "Cotton Campaign" visited the Ministry of employment and labor relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan


On January 28, 2020, representatives of the international coalition "Cotton Campaign" - Bennett Freeman, Alison Gill, Patricia Yurievich, Rudy porter-met with the Ministry of employment and labor relations headed by Minister N. KHusanov.

During the meeting, it was noted that the complete abolition of forced labor in Uzbekistan was identified as a priority for 2019, so the new mechanisms and systems are working in the same direction throughout the year.


Last year, the State labor inspectorate established communication channels (hotline number 1176, website, and the telegram bot @mehnathuquqbot) to create a citizen feedback system.


The meeting also provided information on measures taken in the country to eliminate forced labor. As a result of systematic actions, the perpetrators, including officials, were punished.


In order to ensure transparency of the cotton harvest campaign, the Ministry of labor collaborated with "Third-party monitoring' experts and human rights defenders to investigate and monitor forced labor.

Recall that representatives of the coalition will meet with the heads of a number of ministries and departments.