Benefits for foreign citizens were provided in Russia


The President of the Russian Federation signed a new decree "On temporary measures to regulate the legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation in connection with the threat of further spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)".

According to this document the following is defined for the period from March 15 to June 15 2020:
— not to terminate the term of temporary stay, temporary or permanent residence in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons, if the term of their registration at the place of residence expires during the specified period;
- extend the period of voluntary departure and deportation of foreign citizens and stateless persons from the Russian Federation, in respect of whom a decision on administrative expulsion from the country has been made, until June 15 of the current year;
— do not suspend the validity of documents such as a temporary residence permit, a residence permit, a migration card with expiring marks on it, a work permit, a patent, a permit to attract and use foreign workers that expire during the specified period.
The document also allows employers to hire foreign citizens without a patent, taking into account restrictions imposed by the country in connection with the spread of coronavirus and other measures to ensure sanitary and epidemiological welfare.

The full text of the document can be found below: