Approved the procedure for granting leave to parents of preschool children during quarantine


The Ministry of justice of Uzbekistan has registrated of an order approving a temporary regulation on the procedure for granting annual leave to parents of primary school students in General education institutions and pupils of pre-school educational organizations for the period of quarantine.

According to the regulations, work leave is granted to parents (persons who replace them, guardians, and Trustees) of kindergarten students and students in grades 1-4 of schools during the period of suspension of activities of kindergartens and schools during the period of quarantine.

At the same time, leave is granted at the request of the employee, regardless of the vacation schedule (it is not necessary to work for 6 months for the first year of work).

If an employee has received a work leave prior to the suspension of kindergarten or school activities, or does not wish to receive a work leave, the following can be done with their consent:

- temporary transfer to remote work mode, flexible work schedule or work at home;

- granting leave without pay.

The employer issues an order on the day of receipt of the employee's application for leave of absence, indicating the start and end dates of the leave.

If it is impossible to go to work on the day of the end of the labor leave due to the continuation of the quarantine in educational institutions, the employee sends the following application to the employer:

– on receiving leave without pay, indicating the period and start of the leave;

– temporary transfer to remote work mode, flexible work schedule or work at home.

The employer is obliged to grant the employee leave without pay from the date specified in the application, the maximum term limits set by the Labor code do not apply during the quarantine period.