Объявление об открытом наборе сотрудников


Министерство занятости и трудовых отношений Республики Узбекистан объявляет об открытом наборе сотрудников на должность специалиста по финансовому управлению Проекта: «Усиление системы социальной защиты». Проект реализуется министерством совместно международными экспертами Всемирного банка.

Сроки реализации проекта: 5 лет.

Ежемесячная заработная плата: 1 000 долл. США, 60 000 долл. США – за весь проект.

Функциональные обязанности:

  • учреждение финансового, бухгалтерского учета и отчетности циклов (включая установку функционального программного обеспечения для бухгалтерского учета), для обеспечения готовности фидуциарных, финансовых, бухгалтерских механизмов к эффективности проекта;
  • разработка и утверждение бюджета, расходов по проекту, включая полную разбивку расходов в соответствии с требованиями Всемирного банка;
  • организация и обеспечение бюджетного контроля, своевременных выплат;
  • ведение и обновление базы данных компьютерной системы управления финансами проекта;
  • управление персоналом финансового отдела и участие в процессе отбора и оценки сотрудников.

Квалификационные требования:

  • опыт работы не менее 3 лет в инвестиционных проектах, в качестве специалиста по финансовому управлению или ведущего специалиста по выплатам;
  • опыт в составлении бюджетов и финансовых отчетов;
  • практический опыт в создании информационной системы управления финансами в соответствии с международным опытом;
  • высшее образование в области экономики, финансов или бухгалтерского учета;
  • знание национальных и международных стандартов бухгалтерского учета;
  • знание налогового законодательства Республики Узбекистан;
  • компьютерная грамотность (Microsoft Word, Exel,
    1C: Бухгалтерия);
  • знание письменного и устного английского языка, свободное владение русским и узбекским языками.



Terms of Reference of the Financial Management Specialist of the Strengthening Social Protection Project Implementation Unit

I. Background

The government of Uzbekistan announced a broad market-oriented reform program, and since late 2016, the new administration embarked upon an ambitious economic modernization program to reinvigorate equitable growth for all of Uzbekistan's citizens. The Government started implementation of a broad market-oriented reform program, which included five priority policy areas: improving public administration and state-building; safeguarding the supremacy of the law; maintaining economic growth and liberalizing the economy; enhancing social safety nets; and ensuring security.

There have also been important steps to reduce the state’s large presence in the economy, liberalize prices and open the economy to greater foreign and domestic private-sector participation in job growth and investment. The proposed reforms are expected to address some critical constraints to growth and job creation. However, these economic reforms will likely result in some groups of the population being adversely affected during the transition. International experience with relatively similar impacts shows that groups particularly vulnerable are the poor and those non-poor but close to the poverty line who may be particularly affected through lower purchasing capacity (because of reforms like price liberalization, exchange rate and utility’s tariffs and subsidies) and unemployment (as a result of the SOE reform).

Strengthening Social Protection Project will support Government’s mandate and substantial efforts to strengthen, expand and consolidate social protection measures to support poor and vulnerable groups as well as those negatively affected by the economic reforms. The project consists of three components. The first component is aimed at assessing and rolling out the single registry and improving the effectiveness of social benefits. The second component will develop and implement a Labor Market Information System (LMIS), enhance the capacity of Employment Centers, and improve the effectiveness of selected labor market interventions. The third component supports project implementation and monitoring of quality of project operations. The project is to be funded by the World Bank’s IDA loan in the amount of USD 50 million. The proposed implementation period is 2019-2024.

II. Objectives of the Position

Provision of overall financial management of the Strengthening Social Protection Project in collaboration with all organizations involved in the project implementation. Financial Management Specialist will enter the Project Implementation Unit and be responsible for ensuring the readiness of financial, accounting and etc. required arrangements for project start (effectiveness) and subsequent implementation. Upon effectiveness of the project, Financial Management Specialist will assume responsibility for developing and maintaining a reliable financial management and accounting to make effective use of resources to achieve the project goals and objectives.

III. Scope of responsibilities

  • Delivery of Project Operations Manual section on Financial management in the format and timeline required by the World Bank
  • Contribution to the preparation of the Feasibility Study of the project in fulfilment of the requirements of the President’s Resolution #3857 of July 16th, 2018, specifically a section on the assessment of capacity of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including recruitment rules, professional development plans, adequacy of equipment and information systems;
  • Setting up the financial, accounting and reporting cycles (including installation of a functional accounting software) to ensure the readiness of the fiduciary financial, accounting and etc. arrangements by the project effectiveness;
  • Ensure compliance with the requirements of the Project Operations Manual that includes financial and accounting policies and procedures, project management guidelines, forms of financial reporting, budgeting and budgetary control, internal control, and audit requirements;
  • Prepare, manage and review the project expenditures budget, budget estimate, including the complete breakdown of expenditures according to the WB requirements;
  • managing project budgeting according to project implementation and procurement plans, approved budget ceilings (cost estimates, etc.);
  • organization and ensuring budgetary control (execution of the budget, utilization of funds, bottlenecks for overall budget performance, etc), provision of timely payments including salaries and other administrative expenses of PIU;
  • Preparation of annual project financial statements, make annual project financial statements ready for audits. Provide auditors with supporting and other documents required in the course of audit, and submit audited project financial statements to the World Bank before due deadline;
  • Opening and support the management of Special and other accounts of the project, supervision of timely and duly reconciliation of the accounting, bank, and other records (financial obligations, performance of contractual obligations, etc.) with project counterparts;
  • ensuring accounting of projects expenditures in compliance with the procedures of the WB and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • managing (verification, review, approval, etc.) of withdrawal applications (via eDisbursement) for Special account prior to submitting them to the donor (WB/IDA);
  • monitoring and reporting to ensure regular and timely submission of project quarterly financial reports (Unaudited Interim Financial Report - IFR) and submission of relevant reports to the financing organizations, Ministry of Finance, MELR, tax authorities and etc.;
  • analyzing deviations between planned and actual financial activities of the project by project components;
  • maintaining and updating the database of the computer system for project financial management;
  • controlling timely preparation of reconciliation statements for all bank accounts of the project and ensuring timely preparation and submission of necessary documents, reports and etc. required for stable flow of project funds;
  • managing financial aspects of the project, including review of:
  • procurement orders, ensuring their compliance with the budget;
  • financial activities and payment terms on all contracts prior to their signing;
  • invoices for payment after receiving of acknowledging documents on the terms of a contract;
  • ensuring timely audit of project and project accounts as per requirements acceptable to the WB, following up with all audit recommendations and actions to resolve the issues raised in the Management Letter, ensuring timely submission of audit reports to the WB, and other stakeholders;
  • support the coordination between the PIU and the MELR, Ministry of Finance, State Investment Committee, and other state agencies and local authorities involved in the project, as well as with the World Bank (IDA) and other financing international governmental and non-governmental organizations on all the issues of project related to financial management in agreement with the PIU Coordinator;
  • supervising the annual inventory of procured goods;
  • Participation in the workshops, seminars, conferences arranged by the World Bank and/or other partners;
  • performance of other tasks required for project implementation, and required by the WB guidelines/procedures and etc.

IV. Qualification requirements


  • At least 3 years of relevant work experience in investment projects or similar environmentas a Financial Management Specialist or leading disbursement specialist;
  • Experience in preparing budgets and financial reports;
  • Hands-on experience of setting up and running a project financial management and accounting information system in accordance with best international practice.


  • University degree in economics, finance, accounting or relevant discipline
  • Sound knowledge of both national and international standards of accounting. Familiarity with World Bank financial management and disbursement procedures would be an advantage;
  • Knowledge of a taxation regulations of the Uzbekistan, National Accounting Standards and International Financing Reporting Standards.

Other skills

  • Computer literate and well-developed skills of working with Microsoft Word, Excel; Internet Explorer and «1-С Accounting»;
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills and ability to present financial information in a clear, concise manner and in formats suitable for non-specialists;
  • Ability to work effectively with others in a teamwork environment;
  • Good working knowledge of written and spoken English and fluency in Russian. Knowledge of the Uzbek language is highly preferred;
  • Experience in training staff of local counterparts and subcontractors in disbursement procedures and in accounting theory and practice.

V. Reporting 

Financial Management Specialist reports to the PIU Coordinator financial management in accordance with the requirements of financing organizations and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

VI. Assignment duration

The contract duration is for the length of the project implementation period between 2019-2024, subject to satisfactory performance.